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Une liste d'ebooks libres sur la programmation #dev
Si on voit ceci :
if (condition)
if (not other condition)
...some code...
Il est possible d'en améliorer facilement la lisibilité en plaçant une guard clause
et en inversant les conditions.
Il sera ainsi plus facile (et plus compréhensible pour le cerveau) de lire ceci :
if (not condition)
if (other condition)
...some code...
Migrating from asdf to Nix has been an interesting journey. They both share some ideas when it comes to managing the build environment. However, Nix is several orders of magnitude more powerful than asdf.
If we only focus on Nix shells, Nix can not only manage the languages you use, but also every other tool you would need for your development process. You can use pure shells to check if your environment is complete, avoiding to use tools available globally on your machine. Also, if a tool or version is not available in nixpkgs, you can easily write your own derivations.
When it comes to environment switching, asdf seems to be a winner in the first run, but once you have set up direnv you quickly forget about that.
Generally speaking, Nix is a more broader tool: you can use it to install software on your machine without messing your system, manage your configuration or automate your builds. If you are interested in Nix, you should also learn about these aspects.
I still have to figure about using Nix as part of my Rust workflow. I have especially questions about the RLS setup and cargo commands like cargo watch. Once it is done, I may come with an article about it. I also plan to write a much shorter article focused on Elixir projects—including Phoenix and Nerves—as I have managed to build and run them in pure Nix shells.
Une API comme on les aime, et qui permet de déterminer l'état d'esprit de la personne en fonction de son input (mots + emojis).
Rust by Example (RBE) is a collection of runnable examples that illustrate various Rust concepts and standard libraries.
Rust m'attire de plus en plus :-)
Aaah ça s'appelle comme ça, alors?
Today we are proud to announce the official release of Vue.js 3.0 "One Piece". This new major version of the framework provides improved performance, smaller bundle sizes, better TypeScript integration, new APIs for tackling large scale use cases, and a solid foundation for long-term future iterations of the framework.
The 3.0 release represents over 2 years of development efforts, featuring 30+ RFCs, 2,600+ commits, 628 pull requests from 99 contributors, plus tremendous amount of development and documentation work outside of the core repo. We would like to express our deepest gratitude towards our team members for taking on this challenge, our contributors for the pull requests, our sponsors and backers for the financial support, and the wider community for participating in our design discussions and providing feedback for the pre-release versions. Vue is an independent project created for the community and sustained by the community, and Vue 3.0 wouldn't have been possible without your consistent support.
Comment contribuer à un projet open source
- Identifier et fixer des bugs
- Proposer des améliorations (éventuellement en fonction de votre profil)
- Comprendre comment fonctionne le projet (policies, code of conduct, about page, documentation, README, wikis, ...)
- S'il y a encore des points d'interrogation -> Communauté (Slack, IRC, etc.).
Pour générer des pages HTML statiques pour présenter une API
Il doit bien exister un plugin pour jira pour ça :-)
Teeeellement vrai !
Quelques cheat sheets intéressantes.
Comment utiliser Git simplement pour gérer les nouvelles fonctionnalités, bugfix, etc.
Juste encore deux trucs qui le turlupinent... Est-ce qu'on utilise un rebase interactif (vu que plusieurs personnes insistent sur le fait que rebase = caca) et que fait-on des branches une fois qu'elles sont clôturées ?
Un p'tit tuto (de +/- 30h) à suivre pour se perfectionner ;-)
Guide to Concurrency in Python with Asyncio. Avec plein d'exemples dedans.
Ah, et il y a une gestion des templates côté client!