Monthly Shaarli

All links of one month in a single page.

April, 2024

Postgres is on the rise. MySQL is in decline. But there are a helluva lot of MyS... | Hacker News

Today, at Postgres Conference 2024, we introduced a #PostgreSQL extension we are developing, which enables #MySQL applications to run on PostgreSQL without any code changes by supporting the MySQL wire protocol, #SQL syntax, and procedural language.

The KDE Plasma desktop, in an atomic fashion | The Fedora Project

(Existe aussi en version #kde (cf #fedora #silverblue))))

La Fondation Linux lance la communauté Open Source Valkey

La fondation #linux avance ses pions sur la récupération des applis open source qui n’en sont plus (ici : #redis))

Fedora Silverblue | The Fedora Project

Même si je ne suis pas un grand fan (= pas du tout) de #fedora, cela me botterait bien d’essayer cette version-ci.

How I manage Python in 2024

Long story short : #Muse, #Ruff, #Poetry et #Pydantic