Monthly Shaarli
September, 2023
Terraform was open-sourced in 2014 under the Mozilla Public License (v2.0) (the “MPL”). Over the next ~9 years, it built up a community that included thousands of users, contributors, customers, certified practitioners, vendors, and an ecosystem of open-source modules, plugins, libraries, and extensions.
Quand tu changes une licence et que tu te tires une balle dans le pied.
Search server-side with speed. HTMX ❤️
Pour remplacer le fouet à chaîne
Quand #NixOS laisse tomber un de ses sponsors pour raisons politiques ❤️
Logically, there are two cursors performing a typical update operation. One to read and other to write. A read cursor identifies the row which is to be updated and another cursor that performs the write operation to update the rows. In terms of execution, this process is thus divided into two separate parts. To be more specific, first, the write cursor of an updated plan does not affect the second read cursor.
This means that if the data is updated first by the “write” cursor before the data was read by the “read” cursor, then it could be possible to change the position of the row just by updating it. Consequently, read it a second time and it might be different. The means of a key being updated using such an operation in SQL Server, is called the Halloween effect. Let me explain in detail for more clarification. #sql
#Django’s template engine has an underappreciated builtins option that selects libraries to preload in every template. Making a library a builtin avoids the need for an explicit {% load %} tag whenever you use its tags or filters. Putting key libraries in builtins can shorten your templates and make development a little bit faster.
« Morgane le Fay » in English…
Vendez votre bien avec la 1ère agence immobilière en ligne en Belgique. La vente de votre bien immobilier sans commission. Forfait fixe à partir de 2950€. La technologie et l'humain à votre service.
What is cell-based architecture? In this article, we dive into the cell-based approach and define what a cell is in this context. (En gros : micro service de micro services…)